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お悔やみの言葉 高橋裕子
■ふえる笑顔 禁煙ロゴ ※筋肉の疾患で体の不自由な浦上秀樹さん(埼玉県在住)が、口に筆を取って書いてくださった書画です。「けんこうなしゃかい ふえるえがお」でという文字を使って『禁煙』をかたどっています。
平成20年(2008年)、日本禁煙科学会(JASCS/理事長吉田修)と KSRNT(韓国禁煙学会/President Kwan Hoo Meng)で学会間交流を開始し、2010年には正式な協定が締結されました。
以後毎年、春のKSRNT Annual Meeting と、秋の日本禁煙科学会学術総会で、演者交換(招聘)による国際交流セッションが開催されています。本ページは、主として日本国内で開催された日韓ジョイントシンポジウムに関する情報を掲載しています。
◆第14回 日本禁煙科学会 日韓ジョイントシンポジウム in 大阪(抄録集より抜粋)
◆第13回 日本禁煙科学会 日韓ジョイントシンポジウム in 名古屋(抄録集より抜粋)
◆第12回 日本禁煙科学会 日韓ジョイントシンポジウム in 松江のページを開く
ソウル韓国禁煙学会KSRNT Spring Meeting にてKSRNT理事会に高橋裕子理事長が出席し、Kwan Ho Meng教授とともに、学会間交流の経緯を説明し、今後の交流について話し合いを持った。
1)「Tobacco Control Policies in Korea」
Hong Jun Cho(President of Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco(KSRNT) Professor of Department of Family Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine)
2)「Recent issues on tobacco control policies in Korea」
Seung-Kwon Myung(M.D. (Family Medicine) of Department of Family Medicine/Center for Cancer Prevention and Detection, Hospital, National Cancer Center、Ph.D., Senior Scientist of Molecular Epidemiology Branch, Research Institute, National Cancer Center)
3)「An Effort To Support For Quit Smoking」
Yoshinari Uehara(福岡大学循環器内科 准教授)
4)「Pharmacotherapy for teen-smokers with collaboration between health care service, schools and smoking cessation clinic」
1)「Collaboration between doctors and nurses : An experience of inpatient smoking cessation program in hospital 」
Hong-Jun Cho(Professor, Ajou University Hospital family medicine)
2)「Interdisciplinary approach to smoking cessation clinics at public health centers in South Korea」
Yun Hee Kim(Professor, Pukyoung Nationail Univesity, College of Nurse)
3)「A practice of smoking cessation assistance as a strategy of interprofessional education for collaborative practice」
安井 浩樹 (名古屋大学准教授)
4)「Team Support Provide High Rates of Long-term Smoking Cessation」
伊藤 裕子(薬剤師、伊藤内科医院)
1)「The impact of insured tobacco dependence treatment on tobacco control policy and smoking prevalence」
2)「What would be the end game scenario of tobacco control in Japan and Korea?」
1)「The multicomponent interventions to prevent andcontrol smoking among adolescent in Japan」
2)「Smokers' and Non-smokers' preferences fortobacco pric」
3)「A Smoking Cessation Program for Adolescents and Guidelines for School-Based Smoking Prevention Program in Korea」
Soon-Woo Park, M.D. Department of Preventive Medicine Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Korea
4) Development of Adolescent Quitline Program in Korea : Experiences and Evidences from Real World Setting」
Min Kyung Lim PhD. of Public Health
1)「Smoking Prevention Strategies for Youth in Korea
Young Ja Lee(Professor, Woosong College, Korea)
2)「Smoking Control Programs for College Students in Korea
Yeol Kim(National Cancer center, Korea)
3)「Smoking Prevention Education for Children
4)「The Challenges to Reduce the Number of Smokers at Kyushu University:Educating Students About Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation
Many Thanks from JASCS
I want to say thank you to all members of KSRNT for your great help to Japan.
On March 11th massive earthquake and tsunami hit Japan.
20 thousands people were lost. We Japanese ware in grief. Just at that time many members of KSRNT sent us the words of console with warm heart. The words let us know that we were not alone and encouraged us a lot.
3 months has passed. We are still in the tremendous damage, but we are now making steps to recovery. I say again thank you for all of KSRNT and hope the success of this Korean-Japanese meeting.
Yuko Takahashi
the President of the Japanese Association of Smoking Control Science
◆学会賞 Kwang-Meng,MD,PhD(「禁煙科学」vol.4(13),2010.13より抜粋)
◆第13回 日本禁煙科学会 日中ジョイントシンポジウム in 名古屋(抄録集より抜粋)